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Crowns and Bridges

Best Dental Crowns Bridges Treatment in Dhakoli

Dental crowns and bridges are crucial restorative dental treatments designed to improve both the functionality and aesthetics of a patient’s smile. Here’s an overview of the steps involved in each procedure:

Dental Crowns:

  1. Examination and Diagnosis:
    • The dentist examines the tooth to assess its condition and determine if a crown is necessary.
    • X-rays may be taken to evaluate the extent of damage or decay.
  2. Tooth Preparation:
    • The tooth is prepared by removing decayed or damaged portions.
    • The remaining tooth structure is shaped to accommodate the crown.
  3. Impression Taking:
    • An impression is made of the prepared tooth to create a mold for the custom crown.
    • The impression ensures a precise fit for the crown.
  4. Temporary Crown Placement:
    • While waiting for the permanent crown, a temporary crown is placed to protect the prepared tooth.
  5. Custom Crown Fabrication:
    • The dental laboratory constructs the permanent crown based on the impression.
    • Various materials, such as porcelain or metal, can be used depending on the patient’s needs.
  6. Permanent Crown Placement:
    • The temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is bonded to the tooth with dental cement.
    • The dentist ensures a proper fit and bite alignment.

Dental Bridges:

  1. Initial Assessment:
    • The dentist evaluates the gap caused by missing teeth to determine if a bridge is the appropriate solution.
    • X-rays may be taken to assess the surrounding teeth and bone structure.
  2. Preparing Abutment Teeth:
    • The teeth adjacent to the gap (abutment teeth) are prepared by removing a portion of their enamel.
    • This creates space for the bridge to be securely attached.
  3. Impression for the Bridge:
    • Similar to crown placement, an impression is taken to create a mold for the bridge
    • The mold ensures a snug fit and optimal aesthetics.
  4. Temporary Bridge Placement:
    • A temporary bridge may be placed to protect the exposed teeth and gums while waiting for the permanent bridge.
  5. Custom Bridge Fabrication:
    • The dental laboratory constructs the permanent bridge based on the impression.
    • Materials like porcelain, ceramic, or a combination of materials are used for a natural appearance.
  6. Permanent Bridge Placement:
    • The temporary bridge is removed, and the permanent bridge is bonded to the abutment teeth.
    • The dentist ensures proper fit, bite, and overall comfort.

Both dental crowns and bridges play vital roles in restoring oral health and enhancing the aesthetics of a patient’s smile. Regular oral hygiene practices and follow-up appointments are essential for maintaining the longevity of these restorations.

Dental Crowns:

  1. Why would I need a crown?
    • If your tooth is damaged or decayed, a crown helps protect it and makes it stronger.
  2. How is the damaged tooth prepared for a crown?
    • The dentist cleans and shapes the damaged tooth, making it ready for the crown.
  3. What happens after that?
    • An impression of your tooth is taken to create a custom-fit crown. You get a temporary crown while waiting for the real one.
  4. What’s the crown made of?
    • It can be made of different materials like porcelain or metal, depending on what suits you best.
  5. How is the permanent crown fixed?
    • The temporary crown is removed, and the new one is attached using special dental cement.
Dental Bridges:
  1. Why might I need a bridge?
    • If you’re missing teeth, a bridge helps fill the gap, making your smile complete again.
  2. What’s the first step for a bridge?
    • The dentist prepares the nearby teeth to support the bridge by removing a bit of their outer layer.
  3. What comes next?
    • An impression is taken for making a bridge that fits perfectly. You might get a temporary bridge while waiting.
  4. What materials are used for bridges?
    • Bridges can be made of materials like porcelain or ceramic to look natural and blend with your other teeth.
  5. How is the permanent bridge fixed?
    • The temporary one is taken out, and the new bridge is carefully attached, ensuring it feels comfortable and fits well.

Taking care of your crowned or bridged teeth is important, so regular brushing and dentist visits keep your smile healthy and happy!